We are happy to inform our customers that, as authorized ELAC retailers, we make available the entire DEBUT Series; five different models B4 - B5 - B6 - F5 - F6.
Designed by Andrew Jones (ex TAD), the Debut series sets new qualitative and sound standards in their own segment. The value for money is very high, making each of them a BEST BUY of the category.
IMPOSSIBLE to get better performances at the same price!
The serie starts from the B4 speakers, on sale for only 237.90 euros a pair, to finish with the F6, a 3-way floorstanding louspeaker with 4 speakers, for only 839.90 euros a pair.
To see and buy all the ELAC Series DEBUT speakers on our web catalog PLEASE CLICK HERE
For more technical information, please refer to the ELAC website that you can visit HERE