musicandvideo it p1286876-janos-starker-bartok-mendelssohn-martinu-debussy-chopin-weiner-lp-33-giri-180-gr-analogphonic-made-in-germany-sigillato 003
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Janos Starker - Bartok, Mendelssohn, Martinu, Debussy, Chopin, Weiner -- LP 33 giri 180 gr. - Analogphonic - Made in Germany - SIGILLATO

Janos Starker - Bartok, Mendelssohn, Martinu, Debussy, Chopin, Weiner -- LP 33 giri 180 gr. - Analogphonic - Made in Germany - SIGILLATO

Cod. prodotto:
Prezzo: € 49,90
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€ 49,90


Mercury living presence SR 90405
TitoloJanos Starker
Bartok, Mendelssohn, Martinu, Debussy, Chopin
János Starkercello
Gyorgy Sebokpiano
VEDI descrizione
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(and/or photos)
  LP 33 giri 180 gr
  LP 33 rpm 180 grSupport
Made inGermanyMade in
Stampa del2024Pressing

180g Audiophile Virgin Vinyl LP!
From the Original Masters of Universal Music!
Audiophile Analog Mastering by Rainer Maillard at Emil Berliner Studios!
Pressed at Optimal in Germany!

Starker is a superb musician and a master of his instrument. He has previously recorded some of the music on this disc, but these new performances sound better and are better. Mercury has wisely avoided the old echo-chamber manner of recording which made the early Starker discs sound as if they were played on one hundred cellos at once in the Moscow subway.

There is probably no cellist currently active who can draw the range of floating and resonant sounds even up into the top register as Starker can. Nor, for that matter, are there many who can do all this with such musical integrity. He challenges memories of the fabled Feuermann, and his performance of the Chopin Polonaise brillante comes as close to the old Feuermann performance as any now available. Gyorgy Sebok is an admirable partner. (Hi-Fi Review)


  • 180g Audiophile Virgin Vinyl
  • From the Original Masters of Universal Music
  • Audiophile Analog Mastering by Rainer Maillard at Emil Berliner Studios
  • Pressed at Optimal Media GmbH in Germany
  • Obi Strip
  • Import


János Starkercello
Gyorgy Sebokpiano


Side A:

  1. Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847) – Variations concertantes
  2. Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959) – Variations on a Theme of Rossini
  3. Frederic Chopin (1810-1849) – Polonaise brillante

Side B:

  1. Claude Debussy (1862-1918) – Sonata in D minor
  2. Bela Bartok (1881-1945) – First Rhapsody
  3. Leo Weiner (1885-1960) – Hungarian Wedding Dance
Notes Description