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Musica Classica e Operistica

Fritz Reiner - Respighi - Pines Of Rome & Fountains Of Rome -- Doppio LP 45 giri su vinile 180 gr. Made in USA - Analogue Productions - SIGILLATO

Fritz Reiner - Respighi - Pines Of Rome & Fountains Of Rome -- Doppio LP 45 giri su vinile 180 gr. Made in USA - Analogue Productions - SIGILLATO

Cod. prodotto:
Prezzo: € 77,90
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Importo finale
€ 77,90


EtichettaAnalogue Productions
RCA Living Stereo 2436-45
Pines Of Rome & Fountains Of Rome
Fritz Reiner & Chicago SymphonyArtist
TracklistVEDI descrizioneSEE descrizioneTracklist
CoverSIGILLATO                         SEALED    Cover
SupportoDOPPIO LP  45 giriDOUBLE LP 45  rpmSupport
NoteMade in  USA                       Made in USANotes

RCA Living Stereo 180 Gram 45rpm Double LP!
Remastered From Original Master Tape & Cut at 45rpm by Ryan Smith at Sterling Sound!
Pressed at Quality Record Pressings & Plated by Gary Salstrom!

RCA Living Stereo classical LPs - the gold standard for top quality orchestral performance and sound!

A highly sought-after RCA shaded dog Living Stereo title, the performance and sonics found within rate a 10/10. A must have — the dynamics are monstrous! Whichever other Respighi tone poem recordings you ultimately purchase, you MUST own this one. Since the early ‘60s it has been the standard by which all others have been judged, and in terms of both sound and performance, it has never really been surpassed. The final march of Pines is simply incredible: Thundering bass drum, crashing cymbals and gongs, bellowing brass — nobody since has brought the whole thing off with the same combination of excitement and discipline.

Regarding the 331/3 rpm version:
"...I'd have to say that the usual stumbling blocks have been sidestepped. Great care has been taken to do the right things, starting with the way the decision to remaster these RCAs was made." - Jonathan Valin, The Absolute, June 11, 2013

• 180g Vinyl 45rpm
• Double LP
• Pressed at Quality Record Pressings
• Plated by Gary Salstrom
• Mastered by Ryan Smith at Sterling Sound
• Remastered from original master tape
• Deluxe gatefold jacket from Stoughton Printing

Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Fritz Reiner, conductor

Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936)

1. The Pines of the Villa Borghese
2. Pines Near a Catacomb
3. The Pines of the Janiculum
4. The Pines of the Appian Way
5. The Fountain of the Valle Giulia at Dawn
6. The Triton Fountain at Morning
7. The Fountain of Trevi at Midday
8. The Villa Medici Fountain at Sunset
