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LAST formula 4 + 5 - Stylus Care Combo Kit

LAST formula 4 + 5 - Stylus Care Combo Kit

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Price: € 75,90
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€ 75,90


LAST formula 4 + 5 - Stylus Care Combo Kit 


Clean and extend the life of your stylus with this 2-bottle Stylus Care Kit.

Extend and improve the life of your stylus with Stylast Stylus Treatment. Stylast dramatically reduces the friction at the stylus/groove interface, resulting in extended stylus life, reduced distortion, increased tracking ability, and reduced record wear.

LAST Stylus Cleaner safely removes even the toughest deposits. This protects your stylus and records from abrasion damage caused by dirt that has adhered to the stylus tip and eliminates noise and distortion caused by those deposits.


STYLAST Stylus Treatment

STYLAST is effective through the entire play of one side of an LP record. A bottle typically lasts 3-4 years for most users.

Stylus lifetime is determined by two characteristics: physical wear of the stylus contact faces, and the condition of the stylus suspension system. Stylast addresses both of these failure types. Over time, wear of the contact faces becomes apparent as noise and distortion, and as seen with microscopic examination. To prevent wear to the stylus, Stylast behaves similar to a gas bearing. As the record plays, Stylast transforms into a gas at the point of contact, reducing friction and also dissipating heat.

Stylus suspension failure is caused by hardening of the elastomeric components through oxidation and loss of plasticizers which in the worst cases results in collapse of the suspension. Stylast addresses these failure types. Although Stylast is applied to the stylus tip, its extraordinarily low surface tension allows it to work its way upward over time along the stylus cantilever towards the suspension. Stylast absorbs into the elastomeric suspension and prevents it from hardening due to age, heat, atmospheric pollutants, dry air, or harsh cleaners.

LAST Stylus Cleaner

LAST Stylus Cleaner safely removes accumulated stylus deposits that come from organics, pollution, dust, pets and fingers. Safe for all cartridge assemblies, can be used before each play or whenever you hear noise or distortion from accumulated contamination. Built-in brush is impossible to lose and effective at safely reaching your stylus.

Praise from Positive Feedback

Nan Pinsuc reviews Stylus Cleaner“Back to the stylus cleaner, the application is simple and satisfying. It’s like painting the finger nail of your tone arm—a few quick but targeted passes with the brush is all you need. Then you dab off the brush to remove any dust or grime it collected and return it to the bottle. Now you’re ready to drop the needle and get grooving.” -Nan Pincus, from Positive Feedback, Issue 130

Positive Feedback forum“I’ve been a faithful user of Last products for a couple of decades, especially Stylast preservative. … In my experience, it really works; I’ve got a mini-microscope that I use to periodically inspect stylus tips. I have an Ortofon 2M Blue cartridge that’s seen intermittent use over a ten year period; it has served up hundreds of hours of playback. While I’m pretty certain that the cantilever suspension is no longer functionally perfect, a quick examination with the mini-microscope shows the diamond tip to be in perfectly pristine condition. The 2M Blue is now retired, but it definitely stands as a testament to the power of Stylast.” – Tom Gibbs, Positive Feedback Issue 103